Arena Printing and Publications Pty. Ltd. (Books and Journals)
206 results for Arena Printing and Publications Pty. Ltd. (Books and Journals)
- Securing the future.
- The abuses of realism and Australian security interests.
- Turning Sunni and Shia against each other.
- Nations vs imperial unions in a time of globalization, 1707-2007.
- Rogue Pakeha.
- Post-cultural hospitality: settler-native-migrant encounters.
- 'Inclusive exclusion': managing identity for the nation's sake in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
- Academic Darwinism: the (logical) end of the Dawkins era.
- Zionism without Zionism: the Jacqueline Rose--Edward said exchange.
- Do we really have to work more creatively?
- All music is popular music?
- Globalization, capitalism and the market: beyond a historical and flat-earth arguments.
- Between the fronts: German-speaking intellectuals in the Viet Minh.
- Do we expect too much from politics?
- Australia's legal response to terrorism: where will it end?
- The Armenian genocide: the moral necessity of remembering.
- Donald F. Thomson: scholar, farmer, advocate ...
- Mabo in a world perspective: recognizing aboriginal title.
- Seeing eye to eye: photography and the return of the native in aboriginal Australia.
- Destitute discourses: the art of orchestrating fear and fantasy in photographs of homeless people.
- The asphyxia of the image: terror, surveillance and the children overboard affair.
- Time and space, calendars and maps: constituting social being.
- Leo Strauss: the sphinx's secret? Or how we learnt to stop worrying and believe through the 'Hoi Poloi'.
- Solipsism as cultural condition: some recent Irish examples.
- An un-original tale: Utopia denied in Enuma Elish.
- (Not) by design: Utopian moments in the creation of Canberra.
- The Utopian imagination of Aboriginalism.
- The illusion of the future: notes on Benjamin and Freud.
- The pure machine's gambit: Walter Benjamin's Thesis I.
- The Utopian dimension of thought in Deleuze and Guattari.
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