Gunston (trading as A J Gunston) v Lawley and Others
Jurisdiction | Victoria |
Neutral Citation | [2008] VSC 97 |
Date | 2008 |
Year | 2008 |
Court | Supreme Court |
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3 cases
- Miletich v Murchie
Aldridge v Holloway
...they would be sub-contractor to the builder who was awarded the contract. 18 19 Rolls-Royce, above n 6, at [101]. Gunston v Lawley [2008] VSC 97, (2008) 20 VR 33 at As to factors against proximity, the strongest factor in Rolls-Royce pointing away from proximity was the contractual structur......
- Marine & Civil Construction Company Pty Ltd v SGS Australia Pty Ltd
1 firm's commentaries
Our Top List Of Australian Construction Cases For 2008 - What You May Have Missed! it potentially widens those classes of contract to which the NSW Security of Payment legislation does not apply. Gunston v Lawley [2008] VSC 97 this case, the court rejected the proposition that a subcontractor can never owe a duty of care to a subsequent home owner with whom he has no d......